Love letters
Ruth D. Kerce http://www.new-dating.com/search.php
Love letters are a wonderful way to express your feelings to someone. They are not hard to create, if you give it some thought. Be sincere, a little unique, and you'll certainly bring a smile to your love's face and a joyous flutter to the heart.
1. NO CANNED POETRY. "What does that mean?" Everyone copies some romantic verse from a famous author to put in their love letters. Be different and original. Write a poem yourself. Or if you're not talented at that sort of thing, simply put down a few lines from the heart about how you feel.
2. USE A BLANK CARD. Instead of adding your verse to a card that already has a saying in it, or putting it on a blank piece of paper, try using a blank card. You can get something with a romantic picture on the front, then include your personally written verse on the inside (written in your own hand; don't type it). If you're afraid of messing up, write it on a piece of paper first, then cut the paper to size, and tape or glue it in the card. That way if you make a mistake, you can try again on another piece of paper, without ruining the card.
3. LEAVE A NOTE IN A SECRET PLACE. Leave a love note somewhere your partner will find it when you're not around. Let your love enjoy it in private. It will be a wonderful surprise. And you'll most likely get a wonderful surprise in return.
4. DON'T SEND AN ANONYMOUS LETTER. Although it may seem romantic, with the world as it is today, an anonymous letter may cause the uncomfortable feeling of being stalked. Your love might begin to wonder if it's from someone who's affection and attention is not desired.
5. INCLUDE A SMALL PRESENT. Include something that can be put inside the card or letter. A pressed flower. A small, flat pendant - like a gold heart. A memento from someplace special you two went on a date, perhaps with the word "remember" printed on it.
Good luck with your love letters. I'm sure there are lots of other ideas you can come up with on your own. Create lots of romance and have fun!
Ruth D. Kerce http://www.new-dating.com/search.php