Make Her Eyes Sparkle
Chris Tyler http://www.new-dating.com
Seeing a woman's eyes light up and sparkle when you are flirting with her can give you an exhilarating rush and make you feel like you are king of the world. Sadly, this does not happen all too often for a lot of guys out there. If you feel like you are one of these men and you need to know how to flirt with her so that she does react this way, then you need to know what it is that makes her react like that.
Here are some tips on how to make her eyes sparkle when flirting with a woman:
1. Stick to building attraction with her. More important than anything else when flirting with a woman is to realize that all you are really doing is trying to build attraction with her. The rest will come later as long as you are able to build a solid foundation of attraction and not the kind of banter that she has with a typical male friend. You are not trying to get her to become friends with you, you want more.
2. Ask her questions that she wants to answer. Let's be frank here for a minute. Most women LOVE to talk on and on about themselves. This can be a VERY good thing for you, as it makes things a little easier. When you ask her questions about the things she wants to talk about, you don't have to do much of the work at all. She will be doing most of the talking and all you have to do is hit her back with a little bit of flirting.
3. Make eye contact with her the whole time. Of course, you are going to blink here and there and maybe briefly look somewhere else, but most of the time, like 95% of it, you want to make eye contact with a woman. You don't want to make her assume that you are intimidated by her and you want to create a connection and eye contact is an easy way to do this.
4. Joke around. There's nothing worse for a woman than to feel like she is with some uptight guy that is just going to ask her interview style questions all night long, so make sure that you take the time to joke around with her as well. This will lighten her up and make things a lot more easy for you and for her.
Chris Tyler http://www.new-dating.com