Be Politely Flirtatious
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Here is how you can let him know your intentions without being too explicitly suggestive...
You're out with a couple of friends and you spot a man you are instantly attracted to.
Things go well - you exchange looks, start talking and after a drink or two it is time to go home. Here is where most people start to get anxious. It is one thing to be out and get flirty verbally, but, once you're all alone with him at home, how can you let him know what's on your mind without sounding like you only took the trouble to get so far only because of sex? The catch here is that both of you probably know that the meeting is going to end up in sex and that you would probably be interested in this person. But how to get the vibes across without an effort and without sounding crass is where the trick lies. Read on for tips on how to be suggestive without being lewd:
This should be easy to do because the reason why the two of you are together at this point is only because you're attracted to each other. In fact, it is one of the simplest ways of letting someone know your intentions. But when one says, causal touch, keep it just that - casual, and nothing else. Don't go around groping or ogling at his body - that wouldn't do. Keep it simple: a slight stroke on his cheeks, a little bit of holding hands, or a flirtatious touch on the area just behind the neck should be just fine.
In the time that you spend with him before eventually coming back home, you can gauge whether or not he is the type of person who is open minded about these things. If you get open vibes from him, then you probably won't even have to do much talking; he will pick up on subtle signals and you can take it from there. However, if you have landed the difficult job of meeting someone who needs to be cajoled into having sex, make sure you are very careful and don't cross the line. Tell him gently how you find him irresistible, don't intimidate him.
Things like these need not be serious and intense. The best way to get someone to relax and feel comfortable is to be humourous and get them to loosen up. Joke about things and see the lighter side of the situation, make him feel as calm and chilled out as possible. There is nothing better than laughter to break the ice, so just remember to keep things funny, light and enjoyable.
This one is reserved for those of you who can dance, or for those of you who can't, but at least know how to pull it off without causing yourself any kind of embarrassment. There is nothing better than dancing to put someone in the mood. You have the perfect reason to get close to him, and dancing can lead to all kinds of sizzling delights later.
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