Emotional Bond
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Be a person of honesty, compassion, patience and integrity in daily life.
Couples can be together for years and years and still never feel comfortable enough to display certain emotions that would show vulnerability in the presence of their mates. This of course, omitts so much precious heart to heart sharing that is the basis for the emotional intimacy bond
Having these character qualities makes it much easier to open the door for trust and authentic sharing to begin to take place at the outset, as it renders emotional intimacy a less risky behavior for your partner.
-Express your appreciation for your partner with simple, kind gestures.
Small acts of affection and thoughtfulness can mean the world, and are one of the easiest ways to build strong emotional bonds. An extra effort to listen when you are over tired means so much, and does not go unnoticed. A willingness to see their favorite movie with them(which they know you do not like at all!) The possibilities are infinite, and can be personalized to your partner.
- Strive to make this way of communication routine.
Consistent deep sharing and attentive, nonjudgmental listening on the part of one partner encourages the same kind of disclosures and caring listening from the other. Trust and emotional intimacy builds gradually over time as we slowly reveal our true selves and are consistently met with acceptance. As you are learning better ways to communicate and build intimacy, make the effort to have it be the root mode of interaction you go to.
Of course, on occasions things may not go as smoothly as we would wish and we might find ourselves or our partners not acting in a manner that contributes to emotional intimacy. Stay the course if there are setbacks. Return to a quiet space for some peace and calm if you need to.
Begin basic exercises that allow you to get information from thoughts about the situation, and let go of the mental noise and allow yourself to fully feel your emotions.
Especially at a time of misunderstanding and turmoil, remember above all that your partner loves and cares deeply about you, and you them. That is the inner authenticity to act on underneath of the surface layers of hurt being expressed.
Keep practicing, and remember that the ongoing happiness and longevity of your relationship and family unit is possible.
Keep in mind that it is a choice you and your partner continually make moment to moment via the behaviors you engage in.
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